Environmental Issues and Human Rights Diligence.
As the Refratechnik Group, we take our responsibility very seriously in terms of observing laws, respecting human rights, and preserving the environment. For this reason, we encourage our employees, business partners, and third parties to use our complaints system to inform us of possible violations of the law related to the Refratechnik Group's business activities, as well as human rights violations or environmental issues along the supply chain.
To the complaints system

Submission of information (complaints) about legal violations in connection
with human rights or environmental issues.
Who can lodge a complaint?
In order to submit information about human rights violations or environmental issues related to Refratechnik, a Refratechnik company or one of our supply chains, all our employees, business partners, and third parties are able to contact Refratechnik's complaints system. The information can be submitted via our complaints system.
Safeguarding confidentiality
All information is dealt with confidentially. Information submitted about persons and facts is only accessible to the employees entrusted with processing the case in question.
There will be no disadvantages for whistleblowers who report facts or information that were assumed to be correct when the report was made. In this respect, also Refratechnik Group employees are protected (Guideline for Submitting Reports). However, reported facts or information that are knowingly untrue, are not protected.
In order to submit information about human rights violations or environmental issues related to Refratechnik, a Refratechnik company or one of our supply chains, all our employees, business partners, and third parties are able to contact Refratechnik's complaints system. The information can be submitted via our complaints system.
Safeguarding confidentiality
All information is dealt with confidentially. Information submitted about persons and facts is only accessible to the employees entrusted with processing the case in question.
There will be no disadvantages for whistleblowers who report facts or information that were assumed to be correct when the report was made. In this respect, also Refratechnik Group employees are protected (Guideline for Submitting Reports). However, reported facts or information that are knowingly untrue, are not protected.
How is a report submitted?
Simply describe the facts of your report as specifically as possible, and in a manner that can be understood by a qualified third party. For example, do not use in-house abbreviations. In order to investigate a violation successfully, it is essential to obtain as much information as possible about the facts and specific evidence.
Hereby, the following questions can provide orientation:
Only such information should be submitted, which the reporting person believes to be accurate in good faith.
Simply describe the facts of your report as specifically as possible, and in a manner that can be understood by a qualified third party. For example, do not use in-house abbreviations. In order to investigate a violation successfully, it is essential to obtain as much information as possible about the facts and specific evidence.
Hereby, the following questions can provide orientation:
What happened?
When did it happen? (e.g. specific date or information on frequencies)
Who was involved?
Where did it happen?
How was it handled, and how has it been documented?
Which organisation unit/department is involved?
Only such information should be submitted, which the reporting person believes to be accurate in good faith.
Procedure after submitting a report
The report will be passed on to Refratechnik Compliance. A few days later, the reporting person will receive a confirmation of receipt. The report will be checked by Compliance, possibly with the involvement of other specialist departments. Hereby, the investigation will always be carried out with the necessary care and within a reasonable period. The investigation will be fair and without prejudice. When the investigation has been completed, Compliance will document the resulting findings. Together with Refratechnik Holding management and, if applicable, the management of the entity involved, the measures to be initiated are discussed and a corresponding decision is made.
After completion of the case investigation, you will be informed about the results via an anonymous mailbox.
The report will be passed on to Refratechnik Compliance. A few days later, the reporting person will receive a confirmation of receipt. The report will be checked by Compliance, possibly with the involvement of other specialist departments. Hereby, the investigation will always be carried out with the necessary care and within a reasonable period. The investigation will be fair and without prejudice. When the investigation has been completed, Compliance will document the resulting findings. Together with Refratechnik Holding management and, if applicable, the management of the entity involved, the measures to be initiated are discussed and a corresponding decision is made.
After completion of the case investigation, you will be informed about the results via an anonymous mailbox.