Chemical, environment, and energy

    Products (selection).

    Shaped refractory products


    Alumina bricks based on andalusite


    Alumina and high-alumina bricks


    SiC product range for chemically and mechanically highly stressed industrial plants

    Unshaped products

    REFRACAST® Castable concretes with different bonding systems (RC, MCC, LCC, ULCC, NCC) and raw materials
    REFRASPECIAL® Repair castable concretes with multi-functional installation technology (casting, gunning, rendering)
    REFRACAST® Nanobond
    Cement-free castable concretes for fast heating up and for hot repairs
    REFRASPECIAL® CBPCement-free, chemically-bonded repair castable concretes with multi-functional installation technology (casting, gunning, rendering)
    REFRAJETCRETE®Shotcretes based on cementitious (LCC, ULCC) or cement-free (NCC) bonding systems

    Prefabricated components

    REFRALINE® Prefabricated components for different applications:
    Seating blocks
    Purging sets
    Sliding gate plates
    Taphole blocks
    Exchangeable nozzles

    Other materials

    Permanent lining bricks
    REFRATHERM®: Insulating materials
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