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    Refratechnik México S.A. de C.V.

    Welcome, Refratechnik Chile

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    Welcome, Refratechnik Chile

    Refratechnik México acquires Refrasol, Chile.
    For five years, Refrasol has been a strategic partner of the Refratechnik Group in Chile, providing refractory materials and installation services.

    With the signing of the contract, the strategic partner Refrasol becomes the newest member of the global Refratechnik Group under the new name Refratechnik Chile.

    This region of South America is experiencing steady industrial development in the lime, pulp and mining industries, so this acquisition is of great importance to the entire group.

    We are proud and excited to further establish the Refratechnik brand in Latin America and look forward to the new challenges that come with it.

    Refratechnik Chile SpA was officially established on August 1, 2024.
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