Новости, архив


    Refratechnik Holding GmbH

    Refratechnik and RATH form technology alliance.

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    Refratechnik Holding GmbH

    Dr. Rainer Gaebel, Managing Director of Refratechnik Holding, has been elected President of the World Refractories Association with effect from 14 November 2024.

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    Refratechnik México S.A. de C.V.

    Welcome, Refratechnik Chile

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    Refratechnik Holding GmbH

    What really matters. #whatreallymatters

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    Refratechnik (India) Private Limited

    Interview of Mr Udaya Sankar in Steel Metallurgy April'24 Issue

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    Baymag Inc.

    Baymag Inc. and PMAP Mine Water Corporation Join Forces to Revolutionize Mining Wastewater Treatment

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    Refratechnik Cement GmbH

    Waste heat from Refratechnik Cement heats almost 1000 households in Göttingen, Germany

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    Andreas Pfneiszl, Speaker of the Executive Board, RATH Group, and Dr. Rainer Gaebel, Managing Director of Refratechnik Holding GmbH

    Refratechnik and RATH form technology alliance.

    Refratechnik and RATH announced the launch of a long-term technology alliance on November 19, 2024. The goal of the ambitious partnership is close collaboration in the development and manufacture of refractory products for glass melting plants in the glass industry.

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