More trees for everyone:

    Refratechnik and Plant for the Planet.

    We humans have always cut more trees that we replant. That has not changed to this day. Although we know exactly that forests serve far more than to provide space for grazing land and agriculture, we busily continue to cut them down.

    In contrast, the principle of tree-planting projects is very simple: A tree absorbs CO2 and binds it. Consequently, many trees absorb and bind a lot more CO2. As a result, the CO2 content in the atmosphere is reduced, and global warming is slowed down. In this way, trees compensate the damage that we have caused.

    As a responsible company, we use this simple equation to decide that it makes perfect sense to participate in tree-planting activities all over the world.

    Global responsibility: Projects with Plant for the Planet

    »Plant-for-the-Planet« is a worldwide community. The initiative's aim is to do something for the planet by planting 1 billion trees worldwide.

    Refratechnik has decided to join »Plant-for-the-Planet«. Our focus will be on the restoration of devastated forest areas on the Yucatán peninsula.

    In an area larger than the Principality of Liechtenstein, trees will be planted in and around the San Felipe Bacalar nature reserve, and also in the Balam-Kú and Calakmul biosphere reserves.

    We invite you to support this project in our name:

    Donate a tree now

    Local responsibility: Projects near our company sites

    Leinetal Forest Project

    Refratechnik Cement GmbH not only works continuously to reduce emissions and energy consumption, but is also engaged in reforesting the severely damaged German forests. That is why we support the “Leinetal Forest Project” since 2020, a private enterprise initiative that helps local forest owners to revegetate their barren areas. In future, the newly planted trees will bind CO2 and also contribute towards groundwater replenishment, thereby protecting the increasingly important water resources. So far, and with the support of many regional partners, 92.000 trees have been planted, which equals an area of about 14 hectares.

    More about the local project (German)

    Campaign “Young trees for young talents”

    During their annual meeting at the end of October in Heidelberg, the members of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Feuerfest- und Schornsteinbau e.V. (dgfs = German Association of Refractory & Chimney Contractors) decided to change the one-time reforestation project started in November 2021 – planting more than 10.000 young trees over a total area of more than 14 soccer fields in the Siebengebirge region – into a continuous sustainable project. Started in 2020 under the campaign name “Young trees for young talents”, 1000 young trees will be planted per year in local forests. This permanent project is financed by the members of the dgfs.

    More about the local project (German)

    A forest from Göttingen

    Not only regionally, but also globally, we help to combat the climate change. Together with Göttingen's Youth Parliament, and in cooperation with the environmental organization PrimaKlima, we help small-scale farmers in Nicaragua to reforest uncultivated areas. But also Göttingen benefits from our “Company Forest – A forest from Göttingen” in Nicaragua, because for every hundredth tree planted in Nicaragua, also Göttingen will get a new tree. In this way, we help the environment in Nicaragua with trees, and simultaneously support the livelihood of the local inhabitants – and are pleased about every new tree in the southern Lower Saxony town.

    More about the local project (German)
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